If you have a story about a current event, party, or anything else you would like to share, please email it to me by cliking here.
Greetings from 1931 SR 29!
David has been spending weekend time restoring his antique sailboat, a 1959 Beetle Falcon. There were not more than 100 of these made, and some researchers believe less than 50 were made in total. It was been a lot of work, but David expects to be sailing on the lake in 2011.
Jennifer spends much of her weekends working to
rescue and rehabilitate horses. Her current horse
is stabled in Benton, PA at Tanament Stables
boarding and training facility. If any lake residents,
children or adult, would like to come meet my horse,
please feel free to get in touch with her at the stable
at 570-864-0102.
David's love of history and Jennifer's interest in gardening has combined in a joint effort to create a paw paw tree patch at the cottage. The Paw Paw, which no longer seems to grow in the wild in Pennsylvania, was Thomas Jefferson's favorite fruit. The odd burlap and wood structure on the east side of the property protects the first tree - these trees require the shade of older trees for a few years but there are no older trees, hence the protective structure.
And we love Lake Silkworth and its residents. Jennifer, David and Rebecca

The official web site of the
July 4, 2011 ... Snow cones sales help raise money for Ronald McDonald House
Photo and story by Kim Downs
It all started with a new blender that could make awesome crushed ice. After sharing with local friends, Jack Downs decided that he could sell snow cones and raise money for charity. He wanted to “help sick kids” and narrowed his choice of charity to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or Ronald McDonald House. He finally chose Ronald McDonald house because he likes that families “can be with their sick kids when they are scared”.
On 4th of July weekend, Jack and his friends sold snow cones to lake goers for $1 with a choice from 10 flavors. At the end of the sale, “Jack’s Frost” earned $75 that was donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central PA. Thanks to all who purchased snow cones and made additional donations. Not only was it a fun time, but it taught a valuable lesson in giving to those in need!

August 13, 2011 ... Yard Sales bring traffic to Lake Silkworth, shoppers and sellers delighted.
The annual Lake Silkworth Community Yard Sale brought out hundreds of people searching for great deals. Route 29 and Lakeside Drive became quite crowded with bargain hunters as they stopped at the many homes offering everything from antiques and used items to new, unopened packages as well as homemade baked goods, snacks, and other handmade items. The Lake Silkworth Lions Club sold Ham BBQs and other food and drink items as a fund raiser. A punch stand was set up by local children to raise money to make a donation to the Ronald McDonald House.